The Female Beggar with Crutches (La Mendiante aux béquilles)
The Old Beggar with Only One Crutch (La Vieux Mendiant à une seule béquille)
The Mother and her Three Children (La Mère et ses trois enfants)
The Beggar Leaning on His Cane (Le Gueux appuyé sur son baton)
The Female Beggar with the Begging Bowl (La Mendiante à la sébille)
The Obese Beggar with Lowered Eyes (Le Mendiant obèse aux yeux baissés)
The Beggar and his Dog (L'Aveugle et son chien)
The Female Beggar Receiving her Charity (La Mendiante venant de recevoir la charité)
The Beggar Sitting and Eating (Le gueux assis et mangeant)
The Old Woman with Cats (La Vieille aux chats)
View of the Louvre
View of the Pont-Neuf
Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "Highlights: Weil Gifts" and [Object]Display Artist is "Jacques Callot".
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Last updated: 02/07/2025