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Highlights: Weil Gifts
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Medium & Support
Creation Date
The Beggar Sitting and Eating (Le gueux assis et mangeant)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with a Rosary (Le Mendiant au rosaire)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with Crutches and a Hat (Le Mendiant aux béquilles, coiffé d'un chapeau)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with Pot (Le Mendiant au couvot)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with the Crutches and the Pouch (Le Mendiant aux béquilles et à la besace)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with the Uncovered Head and Bare Feet (Le Mendiant à la tête découverte et aux pieds nus)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Beggar with the Wooden Leg (Le Mendiant à la jambe de bois)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Blind Man and his Companion (L'Aveugle et son compagnon)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Crossing of the Red Sea
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
about 1630
The Fair at Impruneta (L'Imprunetta)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
The Female Beggar Receiving her Charity (La Mendiante venant de recevoir la charité)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Female Beggar with a Rosary (La Mendiante au rosaire)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Female Beggar with Crutches (La Mendiante aux béquilles)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Female Beggar with the Begging Bowl (La Mendiante à la sébille)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Firing Squad
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
The Hanging
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
The Hospital
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
The Hurdy-Gurdy Player (Le Joueur de vielle)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Mother and her Three Children (La Mère et ses trois enfants)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Obese Beggar with Lowered Eyes (Le Mendiant obèse aux yeux baissés)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Old Beggar with Only One Crutch (La Vieux Mendiant à une seule béquille)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Old Woman with Cats (La Vieille aux chats)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The One-Eyed Woman (La Borgnesse)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
The Peasants Avenge Themselves
Callot, Jacques
Etching on paper
The Sickly Man (Le Malingreux)
Callot, Jacques
Etching on laid paper
about 1623
Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "Highlights: Weil Gifts" and [Object]Display Artist is "Jacques Callot".